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Get a quote for your project.   Select from one of the two quote options below.  If you need more assistance or would like to discuss your project, please contact us at Support .

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Fixed Price Quote 
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A fixed price quote is the best option when developing a new system, because all the risk is for the developer "Transparent Systems".
You know when the system will be delivered and for what price.
We guarantee the highest possible quality. Please check out our references.
After receiving your requirements we will provide you a fixed price quote for:

  • Analysis and Design

  • Development and Testing

Analysis and design result in a functional design.
This will allow you to check if all functions required for the system are present.
This prevents surprises upon delivery of the system.
Upon your approval we will start with development.
After the analysis phase you get a confirmation of the quote for development.

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Time and Material Quote
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A time and material quote is the best option for maintenance projects which require ad hoc support.
We will provide you with an hourly rate, which will give you an indication of the costs involved.
Transparent Systems has copies of production systems for several companies running on our servers.
This allows us to instantly shadow systems on site which allows us to 

The quote will be based on an estimated number of hours. The estimate is your responsibility. You are in charge of progress and delivery dates. Transparent Systems is sub-contracting a project.

Based on your specifications you get feedback about an hourly fee.

Get a time and material quote via:
Get quote


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� 2002 Transparent Systems Limited. All rights reserved.
Revised: 12 Feb 2002 15:33:01 +1200.